# DO107 Protocol
# Introduction
The DO107 devices use the GPRS and TCP/IP protocol to connect to the server.This device aggregates the data according to its configuration, then it connects to the server whose address is specified in the its configuration and transmits the data to the server. The DO107 uses the Protocol Buffer 3 to transfer data between the server and the device. Protocol buffers are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data – think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler. You define how you want your data to be structured once, then you can use special generated source code to easily write and read your structured data to and from a variety of data streams and using a variety of languages [1] .
For more info, see Google protocol buffers.
DO107 protocol buffers is defined in the Messages.proto and Config.proto files.To compile the protocol buffer definition in the programming language, install protoc and it run with the "--[language name]_out" parameter which is set to the directory you want to have output.
**Example1 : compile defined protocol to Go code **
protoc --go_out=. *.proto
# Device Data Packet
In this document, Device Packet is a data packet that device sends to server. this packet consists 2 main parts : header and data that shown in image1.
# Image1: Parts of device packet
# Header
The first part of each device packet is the header that has fixed items and length. The fields of header described in Table 1
# Table 1: The header fields of device packet
SN offset Name Size(bytes) Type Description 1 0 Protocol head 2 Uint16 The firs tow bytes of each data packet transmitted between the server and the device must be included the 0xABAB code 2 2 TID(Transaction ID) 4 Uint32-LittleEndian In the Device Packets, TID is an incremental number. In response to a server request, the TID is the same as the server packet TID. 3 6 API version 2 Uint16-BigEndian API version that the device sends data to server. 4 8 Flag 2 Uint16-BigEndian Each bit of flag has meaning:
- if bit 0 of the flag is set to 1, it means that the block of message data compressed with lz4 algorithm. More info
5 10 Message Type 2 Uint16-LittleEndian ID of Message Types that defined in protocol 6 12 IMEI 8 Uint64-LittleEndian - 7 20 DataLength 4 Uint32-LittleEndian The length of the message data 8 24 Reserved 4 Uint32-LittleEndian Reserved bytes for serial port error detection. Should be 0. # 2. Data
The data section of each device packet is serialized and compressed message that the device wants to send according to the message type specified in the header.
Example 2 : Device Packet
Bytes of data packet :
Head: 0xabab
TID: 0xe0380000 = 14560
API version: 0x0001= 1
Flag: 0x0000= 0
Message Type: 0x0100= 1 = DataPack_Request
IMEI: 0x292f0b86c70e0300= 860675040292649 D
DataLength: 0x3b000000= 59
ReservedBytes: 0x00000000= 0
Data :
0x0a390dad04ff4115ae7559421d00909a4435cd8c2f43452976b45c48015a0b0a0b1e3233343536374664620f000000f4c70200ab5d00bc2400006d# Server Data Packet
In this document, Server Packet, is a data packet that server sends to device. A server packet that the DO107 device expect received from server, has 2 parts: header and data that shown in image2 and described in Table 2
# Image2: Parts of server packet
# Header
The header of a server packet contains 8 fields. The fields are described in Table 2
# Table 2: Header of Server Packet
SN offset Name Size(bytes) Type Description 1 0 Protocol head 2 Uint16 Explained in protocol head of device packet 2 2 TID(Transaction ID) 4 Uint32-LittleEndian In server packets, the TID number can be either an incremental number, or the TID of the device packet (which the server must respond to the device request with the same TID). 3 6 Flag 2 Uint16-BigEndian Explained in flag of device packet 4 8 Message Type 2 Uint16-LittleEndian ID of Message Types that server can send 5 10 DataLength 4 Uint32-LittleEndian The length of the message data 6 14 Reserved 4 Uint32-LittleEndian Reserved bytes for serial port error detection. Should be 0. # 2. Data
The data in this part is a message data related to the message type that specified in header of the server packet..
Example 3 : Server Packet
Bytes of data packet : ababe00600000000020002000000000000000801
Head: 0xabab
TID: 0xe0060000 = 1760
Flag: 0x0000= 0
Message Type: 0x0200= 2 = DataPack_Response
DataLength: 0x 02000000= 2
ReservedBytes: 0x00000000= 0
Data : 0x0801
# DO107 Message Types
In DO107 Protocol, message types divided into 5 categories. These categories are General, Config, Firmware, Connection and OBD message types. These are briefly described in Table3.
# Table3 - Message Types
ID | Type | Sender | Description |
0 | Timeout | - | Reserved for embedded system |
1 | DataPack_Request | Device | Send data of point |
2 | DataPack_Response | Server | Respond to the DataPack_Request |
7 | Authentication_Request | Device | Authentication request from device |
8 | Authentication_Response | Server | Respond to the Authentication_Request |
9 | OnlinePosition_Request | Device | Online positioning data point |
10 | Config_Set_Request | Server | Setting a new configuration |
11 | Config_Set_Response | Device | Respond to Config_Set_Request |
12 | Config_Get_Request | Server | Get configuration from device |
13 | Config_Get_Response | Device | Send device configuration to server |
14 | Config_Diff_Request | Server | Setting diff configuration |
15 | Config_Diff_Response | Device | Respond to Config_Diff_Request |
16 | Config_SSLSetCertificate_Request | Server | Setting SSL certificate for communicate with server. |
17 | Config_SSLSetCertificate_Response | Device | Respond to Config_SSLSetCertificate_Request |
18 | Config_SSLGetStatus_Request | Server | Get status of SSL settings from device |
19 | Config_SSLGetStatus_Response | Device | Send status of SSL settings to server |
20 | Firmware_Info_Request | Server | Get the current firmware information |
21 | Firmware_Info_Response | Device | Respond to Firmware_Info_Request |
22 | Firmware_Update_Start_Request | Server | Send a firmware update request to device |
23 | Firmware_Update_Start_Response | Device | Respond to Firmware_Update_Start_Request |
24 | Firmware_GetPack_Request | Device | Request slice of the firmware from server |
25 | Firmware_GetPack_Response | Server | Send slice of firmware file to device |
26 | Firmware_Update_State | Device | Send update status of device's firmware to server |
30 | Ping | Server | |
31 | Pong | Device | |
32 | Log_Start | Server | Request send logs to configurator application from device |
33 | Log_End | Server | Request ending to send logs from device |
34 | Log_Pack | Device | Send device logs to server |
60 | Command_Request | Server | Request command (just like SMS commands) to the device |
61 | Command_Response | Device | Command response |
61 | FMS_DataLog_Data | Device | FMS Log data |
110 | DiagnosticsTroubleCodes_SaveCodes_Request | Device | Device will send DTC codes with this message type |
111 | DiagnosticsTroubleCodes_SaveCodes_Response | Server | Response to the device DTC codes message |
# Data Messages
# DataPack_Request :
This message type is used to send point data to the server in the structure of DataPackRequest message. DataPackRequest message contains one or more DataPoint messages. This type of message is used to send point data to the server in the structure of the DataPackRequest.
# DataPackRequest
message DataPackRequest { repeated DataPoint Points = 1; }
DataPoint message includes GRPS and IOs data that collected by the device. Fields of This message described in Table 3
# DataPoint
message DataPoint { float Latitude = 1; float Longitude = 2; float Altitude = 3; uint32 Satellites = 4; float Speed = 5; float Bearing = 6; uint32 HDOP = 7; fixed32 Timestamp = 8; Configs.AlarmType Alarm = 9; repeated Configs.AlarmType IOList_ID = 11; repeated uint64 IOList_Value = 12; }
# Table 3 : DataPoint Fields
Field Name Type Description Latitude float Geo-Width in DDD.dddd format Longitude float Geo-Height in DDD.dddd format Altitude float The height above sea level of a location (meter) Satellites uint32 Count of used GPS satellites for point detection Speed float Vehicle speed calculated by GPS(km/h) Bearing float Bearing is calculated as an angle measured in degrees in a clockwise direction from true north HDOP uint32 Horizontal dilution of precision (GPS system) Timestamp fixed32 Time of picked point in unix time system Alarm Configs.AlarmType Alarm that happened in picked point. list of Alarms Defined in Table 7 IOList_ID Array of AlarmType AlarmType IDs of IOs IOList_Value Array of uint64 The values of each alarm listed in the IOList_ID # DataPack_Response :
The server must respond to the DataPack_Request with a device packet which type of message is DataPack_Response. The server TID must be the same as the TID of the device packet. The data part of this response is a DataPackResponse message that contains a DataPackResponseCode. The server chooses an DataPackResponseCode based on the result of processing the data.
If server response is "DataPack_OK", the device erases the data of DataPack_Request packet from its memory, otherwise, it will be kept the packet and resend it within the specified time interval in the device configuration.
# DataPackResponse
message DataPackResponse { DataPackResponseCode Response = 1; }
# DataPackResponseCode
enum DataPackResponseCode { DataPack_Timeout = 0; DataPack_OK = 1; DataPack_UnknownError = 2; DataPack_Decode_Error = 3; }
# Authentication
There is two authentication method for devices on the server-side. IMEI mode and AuthenticaionCode mode. it can be set in the configuration. In AuthenticationCode mode after any connection to the server, the device first sends an Authentication_Reuqest message with a key to the server and waits for the response from the server, If server responds to it with the valid state then the device continues its connection data sending otherwise the device close the connection and try again after some configurable seconds
# Authentication_Request
message AuthenticateRequest { string Code = 1; }
# Authentication_Response
enum AuthenticateResponseCode { Authenticate_Invalid = 0; Authenticate_Valid = 1; } message AuthenticateResponse { AuthenticateResponseCode Code = 1; }
# Online Position
There is an ability in the device to send online position data to the server after receiving onlinepos command. With onlinepos command, the user can make the device send its position in a specific time and interval. The device will send its position data to the server with OnlinePosition_Request message type
# OnlinePosition_Request
For each online position data point the device will send this message type with DataPoint message in its payload.
# Config Message Types
# Config_Set_Request :
For changing settings of the device configuration, the server must send a packet with Config_Set_Request message type. Data part of this packet contains ConfigSetRequest message that described in Table 4. To set the configuration, there is no need to set the password field by default, but if the Config password is set in the previous configuration, password filed of ConfigSetRequest message must be set.
# ConfigSetRequest
message ConfigSetRequest { string Password = 1; Configs.Config Configuration = 2; }
# Table 4 : ConfigSetRequest
ID Field Name Type Description 1 Password String The password is set in config message 2 Configuration Configs.Config This filed contains a config Message fields # Config_Set_Response :
The device responds with this message type to Config_Set_Request .The data part of this response is the ConfigResponseCode message, which is the result of setting configuration on the device.
# ConfigSetResponse
message ConfigSetResponse { ConfigResponseCode Response = 1; }
# ConfigResponseCode
enum ConfigResponseCode { OK = 0; Unknown_Error = 1; /* Config error - from device */ Protocol_Error = 2; /* Config message protocol error - from device */ Store_Error = 3; /* Config store error - from device */ Wrong_Password = 4; /* Configuration password is wrong */ }
# Config_Get_Request :
The server must send a packet with Config_Get_Request message type and set password in ConfigGetRequest message (if password is required).
# ConfigGetRequest
message ConfigGetRequest { string Password = 1; }
# Config_Get_Response :
The device responds with this message type to Config_Get_Request . Data of Config_Get_Response packet is a ConfigGetResponse message,Table 5.
# ConfigGetResponse
message ConfigGetResponse { ConfigResponseCode Response = 1; Configs.Config Data = 2; }
# Table 5 : ConfigGetResponse
ID Field Name Type Description 1 Response ConfigResponseCode The result of requesting the current configuration of the device. 2 Data Configs.Config This filed contains the current configuration of the device. # Config_Diff_Request :
If you need to reset the values of some of the Config fields, you can use this message type. Message of the request will be ConfigDiffRequest.
# ConfigDiffRequest
message ConfigDiffRequest { string Password = 1; Configs.ConfigDiff ConfigDiff = 2; }
message ConfigDiff { repeated Uint32DiffItem Uint32DiffItems = 1; repeated Int32DiffItem Int32DiffItems = 2; repeated Uint64DiffItem Uint64DiffItems = 3; repeated Int64DiffItem Int64DiffItems = 4; repeated FloatDiffItem FloatDiffItems = 5; repeated StringDiffItem StringDiffItems = 6; repeated BoolDiffItem BoolDiffItems = 7; repeated FloatArrayDiffItem FloatArrayDiffItems = 8; } message Uint32DiffItem { uint32 Tag = 1; uint32 Value = 2; } message Int32DiffItem { uint32 Tag = 1; int32 Value = 2; } message Uint64DiffItem { uint32 Tag = 1; uint64 Value = 2; } message Int64DiffItem { uint32 Tag = 1; uint64 Value = 2; } message FloatDiffItem { uint32 Tag = 1; float Value = 2; } message BoolDiffItem { uint32 Tag = 1; bool Value = 2; } message StringDiffItem { uint32 Tag = 1; string Value = 2; }
# Config_Diff_Response :
The server responds to Config_Diff_Request with a server packet that has the Config_Diff_Response message type and the ConfigSetResponse message.
# Config_SSLSetCertificate_Request :
To communicate securely with the server, the device can be configured to obtain SSL connection to the server. In order to set SSL required certificates Config_SSLSetCertificate_Request for setting server security certificate, SSL client security certificate and client private key on the device can be sent through Configuration App. So it can only configured using configuration app through SerialPort and Bluetooth
ID Field Name Type Description 1 SSL_CertificateType Depending on the type of certificate that will be uploaded, a type of SSL_CertificateType will be selected 2 FileData array of bytes Bytes of certificate file # SSL_SetCertificate
message SSL_SetCertificate { SSL_CertificateType Type = 1; bytes FileData = 2; }
# SSL_CertificateType
enum SSL_CertificateType { ClearAll = 0; Server1_CA = 1; Server2_CA = 2; Client_Certificate = 3; Client_Key = 4; }
# Config_SSLSetCertificate_Response:
In response to Config_SSLSetCertificate_Request, the device sends packet with Config_SSLSetCertificate_Response message type.The message in this packet indicates the status of the uploaded certificate.
ID Field Name Type Description 1 Type SSL_CertificateType Based on the type of uploaded certificate, the device responds with the same type 2 Status SSL_CertificateStatus Certificate uploading status 3 CRC uint32 - # SSL_SetCertificateResponse
message SSL_SetCertificateResponse { SSL_CertificateType Type = 1; SSL_CertificateStatus Status = 2; uint32 CRC = 3; }
# SSL_CertificateStatus
enum SSL_CertificateStatus { Certificate_Unknown = 0; Certificate_Valid = 1; Certificate_Unavailable = 2; Certificate_Error = 3; }
# Config_SSLGetStatus_Request :
This type of message is used to get the status of SSL certificates on the device.
# Config_SSLGetStatus_Response :
The device sends the status of SSL certificates to the server, in message SSL_Status.
# SSL_Status
message SSL_Status { SSL_CertificateStatus Server1_CA_Status = 1; uint32 Server1_CA_CRC = 2; SSL_CertificateStatus Server2_CA_Status = 3; uint32 Server2_CA_CRC = 4; SSL_CertificateStatus Client_Certificate_Status = 5; uint32 Client_Certificate_CRC = 6; SSL_CertificateStatus Client_Key_Status = 7; uint32 Client_Key_CRC = 8; }
ID Field Name Type Description 1 Server1_CA_Status SSL_CertificateStatus Current status of SSL certificate of the server 1 2 Server1_CA_CRC uint32 3 Server2_CA_Status SSL_CertificateStatus Current status of SSL certificate of the server 2 4 Server2_CA_CRC uint32 5 Client_Certificate_Status SSL_CertificateStatus Current status of SSL certificate of the device 6 Client_Certificate_CRC uint32 7 Client_Key_Status SSL_CertificateStatus Current status of private client key 8 Client_Key_CRC uint32
# Firmware Message Types
This section describes how to update a Dolphin device firmware. The image3 shows the update process.
# Image3: Firmware Update Activity Diagram
# Firmware_Info_Request :
This type of message is used to know the version of the firmware on the device. The server packet whose message type is Firmware_Info_Request does not require a data part.
# Firmware_Info_Response :
In response to Firmware_Info_Request, the device sends a data packet that has a message type of Firmware_Info_Response and data of FirmwareInfo message.
# FirmwareInfo
message FirmwareInfo { uint32 Major = 1; uint32 Minor = 2; }
# Firmware_Update_Start_Request :
The server sends a message of this type to device for starting update the firmware. To update firmware ,the device sends FUStartData message that has a server firmware id and size of firmware file, if size of firmware has a true value, the device responses with FirmwareUpdateResp message and Firmware_Update_Start_Response message type.
# FUStartData
message FUStartData { // Firmware ID uint32 FirmwareID = 1; // Firmware file total size in bytes uint32 TotalSize = 2; }
# Firmware_Update_Start_Response :
The device responses to Firmware_Update_Start_Request with F FURespCodes . If the device be able to update the firmware and the file in correct size, the device will respond with FU_UPDATE_START_OK, otherwise it will FU_UPDATE_START_ERROR or FU_UPDATE_START_ERROR_SIZE. After the device receives the correct update start request ,It will request the slice of the firmware file from the server.
# FirmwareUpdateResp
message FirmwareUpdateResp { uint32 FirmwareID = 1; FURespCode Response = 2; }
# FURespCode
# Firmware_GetPack_Request :
To receive the firmware file from the server, the device must send a packet with the Firmware_GetPack_Request message type after receiving Firmware_Update_Start_Request, and in this message, it will mark the start and end of the bytes of the file (FUPackRequest). If the device fails to receive a slice of file, the request must resend the to the server.
# FUPackRequest
message FUPackRequest { uint32 FirmwareID = 1; uint32 Start = 2; uint32 End = 3; }
# Firmware_GetPack_Response :
In response to a request for a slice of the firmware file as byte, the server sends a packet containing ofthe response code, the start and end of the bytes of the file. if the server is able to respond to the device request (based on the FirmwareID and start and end indexes of file bytes), it will send the FU_GETPACK_OK code, or it will respond with the FU_GETPACK_ERROR code. So,device based on the server response, will continue or finish the firmware updating process.
message FUPacket { uint32 FirmwareID = 1; FURespCode Response = 2; uint32 Start = 3; uint32 End = 4; bytes Data = 5; }
# Firmware_Update_State :
This message type of Firmware_Update_State is used to declare the status of the firmware update to the server. When the device receives all the bytes of the firmware file and starts the process of updating the firmware, it will specify its status in the FirmwareUpdateResp message and sends the message to server. The status can be one of the following codes::
- FU_UPDATE_STATE_INSTALLING: If the device receives correctly all the bytes of the firmware file, it will send FU_UPDATE_STATE_INSTALLING code to server.
- FU_UPDATE_STATE_FINISHED: If the device updates successfully its firmware, it will send this code.
- FU_UPDATE_STATE_ERROR : If there is a unknown error, when installing the new firmware, the device will send FU_UPDATE_STATE_ERROR code to server.
- FU_UPDATE_STATE_ERROR_INVALID : If file is invalid, this code will be used.
- FU_UPDATE_STATE_ERROR_CRC : The device check CRC of file before start the installation. if CRC isn't true, sends FU_UPDATE_STATE_ERROR_CRC code to server.
# Connection Message Types
This message types in this category are mostly used for serial connections (such as bluetooth connection).
# Ping and Pong Message :
To ensure serial connection is stable, connection must be check periodically. for this reason, it will use from Ping and Pong message types. A packet with Ping message type ,will has a data part include of serialized bytes of DeviceInfo message that contain of values of device properties,GNSS and GSM status, and real-time values of device IOs. Data part of pong packet will be empty.
# DeviceInfo Message
message DeviceInfo { string Name = 1; fixed64 IMEI = 2; string FirmwareVersion = 3; // System info fixed32 RTCTimestamp = 10; fixed32 LastStartTimestamp = 11; uint32 UpTime = 12; uint32 TotalUpTime = 13; // GNSS GNSSStatus GNSS_Status = 20; bool GNSS_Fix = 21; uint32 GNSS_TimeToFirstFix = 22; uint32 GNSS_TimeToLastFix = 23; uint32 GNSS_Packets = 25; float GNSS_Latitude = 26; float GNSS_Longitude = 27; uint32 GNSS_Altitude = 28; uint32 GNSS_Speed = 29; uint32 GNSS_Bearing = 30; uint32 GNSS_HDOP = 31; uint32 GNSS_PDOP = 32; uint32 GNSS_SatsInUse = 33; uint32 GNSS_GPSSats = 34; uint32 GNSS_GLONASSSats = 35; uint32 GNSS_GalileoSats = 36; uint32 GNSS_BeidouSats = 37; // GSM ModemStatus GSM_ModemStatus = 50; SIMStatus GSM_SIMStatus = 52; bool GSM_GPRSStatus = 53; string GSM_OperatorName = 54; uint32 GSM_OperatorCode = 55; uint32 GSM_LocationAreaCode = 56; uint32 GSM_CellID = 57; uint32 GSM_SignalStrength = 58; uint32 GSM_Records_SentCount = 60; uint32 GSM_Records_LastSentTime = 61; uint32 GSM_Records_LastServerResponseTime = 62; uint32 GSM_Records_Count = 63; uint32 GSM_GPRS_SentData = 65; uint32 GSM_GPRS_ReceivedData = 66; uint32 GSM_SMS_Sent = 69; uint32 GSM_SMS_Received = 70; bool GSM_Socket_State = 75; // Bluetooth BluetoothStatus Bluetooth_Status = 80; string Bluetooth_Name = 81; string Bluetooth_MAC = 82; bool Bluetooth_DataLink_ConnectStatus = 83; string Bluetooth_DataLink_Name = 84; string Bluetooth_DataLink_MAC = 85; BluetoothExtDeviceStatus Bluetooth_ExtDevice_Status = 86; string Bluetooth_ExtDevice_Name = 87; string Bluetooth_ExtDevice_MAC = 88; // IO repeated Configs.AlarmType IOList_ID = 100; repeated uint64 IOList_Value = 101; }
# Log_Start and Log_End :
The server send data packets with Log_Start and Log_End message types to the device,for getting the device log data. The device gathering and sending it's logs in LogPack according log level specified in the server message (LogStart message) . The LogPack is collection of LogMessage that that include of generate log time(UNIX time format), level of log and message of log. The server sends a data packet with the Log_End message type to finish the receiving of LogPack from device.
# LogStart
message LogStart { LogLevel Level = 1; }
# LogLevel
enum LogLevel { LOG_LEVEL_NONE = 0; LOG_LEVEL_FATAL = 0x01; LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 0x02; LOG_LEVEL_WARN = 0x04; LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 0x08; LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 0x10; }
# LogPack
message LogPack { repeated LogMessage Messages = 1; }
# LogMessage
message LogMessage { fixed32 UnixTimestamp = 1; LogLevel Level = 2; string Message = 3; }
When the device wants to send its logs to the server, it sends a data packet with Log_Pack message type. The data part of packet is serialized bytes of LogPack message.
# Commands
SMS commands also can be requested from server via GPRS by Command_Request message type. The server should send the command string to the device through CommandRequest message and the device will respond to it via CommandResponse message. There is a completer list of SMS/GPRS Commands in this link
# Command_Request
This message should be send from server in order to request command
# CommandRequest
message CommandRequest {
string Command = 1;
# Command_Response
This message will be respond to the Command_Request
# CommandResponse
message CommandResponse {
string Response = 1;
# FMS_DataLog_Data
Device will send FMS log data to server by FMSOnlineDataPack message
message FMSOnlineData{
uint32 ID = 1;
uint64 data = 2;
message FMSOnlineDataPack{
repeated FMSOnlineData DataList = 1;
uint32 Timestamp = 2;
# Diagnostic Trouble Codes
According to configuration and vehicle connectivity the device can connect to vehicle through the OBD or FMS connection and get vehicle diagnostic trouble codes (DTC) from vehicle ECU. After retrieving DTC codes from vehicle the device will send the codes with DTCRequest message to the server. Also after any changes in DTCs the device send the new codes again, The server should respond to it with DTCResposne message.
# DiagnosticsTroubleCodes_SaveCodes_Request
Device will send DTC codes with this message type. The message protocol is:
# DTCRequest
message DTCRequest {
repeated DTCRecord DTCRecords = 1;
# DTCRecord
message DTCRecord {
repeated DTCCode DTCCodes = 1;
uint32 Timestamp = 2;
// OBD Lamp status
bool OBD_MalfunctionIndicatorLamp = 3;
// FMS Lamp Status
uint32 FMS_ProtectLamp = 4;
uint32 FMS_AmberWarningLamp = 5;
uint32 FMS_RedStopLamp = 6;
uint32 FMS_MalfunctionIndicatorLamp = 7;
uint32 FMS_SAELamp1 = 8;
uint32 FMS_SAELamp2 = 9;
uint32 FMS_SAELamp3 = 10;
uint32 FMS_SAELamp4 = 11;
ID | Field Name | Type | Description |
1 | DTCCodes | DTCCode | List of DTC codes gathered from device ECU |
2 | Timestamp | uint32 | Time of change in DTC codes of vehicle |
3 | OBD_MalfunctionIndicatorLamp | bool | Status of OBD malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) (Only in OBD connection) |
4 | FMS_ProtectLamp | uint32 | FMS ProtectLamp status (Only in FMS connection) |
5 | FMS_AmberWarningLamp | uint32 | FMS AmberWarningLamp status (Only in FMS connection) |
6 | FMS_RedStopLamp | uint32 | FMS RedStopLamp status (Only in FMS connection) |
7 | FMS_MalfunctionIndicatorLamp | uint32 | FMS MalfunctionIndicatorLamp status (Only in FMS connection) |
8 | FMS_SAELamp1 | uint32 | FMS SAELamp1 status (Only in FMS connection) |
9 | FMS_SAELamp2 | uint32 | FMS SAELamp2 status (Only in FMS connection) |
10 | FMS_SAELamp3 | uint32 | FMS SAELamp3 status (Only in FMS connection) |
11 | FMS_SAELamp4 | uint32 | FMS SAELamp4 status (Only in FMS connection) |
# DTCCode
message DTCCode {
DTCType DTCType = 1;
uint32 Code = 2;
uint32 Reason = 3;
uint32 OccurrenceCount = 4;
uint32 Source = 5;
enum DTCType {
FMS_DTC = 3;
ID | Field Name | Type | Description |
1 | DTCType | DTCType | ِDTC Code type. One of: OBD_STORED_DTC, OBD_PENDING_DTC, OBD_PERMANENT_DTC, FMS_DTC, SCANIA_DTC according to vehicle type and connection (OBD or FMS) |
2 | Code | uint32 | DTC Code |
3 | Reason | uint32 | DTC reason (Only in FMS) |
4 | OccurrenceCount | uint32 | Occurrence count of DTC (Only in FMS) |
5 | Source | uint32 | DTC Source |
# DiagnosticsTroubleCodes_SaveCodes_Response
After getting DTC codes from device server should respond to it with this message type. if the device get the DTC_RESPONSE_ERROR or DTC_RESPONSE_NONE (default) from server it will send the new DTC changes again until server respond to it with DTC_RESPONSE_OK code.
enum DTCResposneCode {
message DTCResposne {
DTCResposneCode DTCResposneCode = 1;
# Config Message
This message is defined in the Config.proto file.
message Config {
string Password = 99;
/* Movement */
MovementSource Movement = 100;
uint32 MovementSensorSensitivity = 101;
/* Sleep */
SleepMode Sleep = 102;
uint32 SleepTimeout = 103;
/* Engine state (Ignition) */
EngineMode EngineOn = 104;
/* EngineOn conditions */
bool EngineOn_DIN1 = 105;
bool EngineOn_DIN2 = 106;
bool EngineOn_MovementSensor = 107;
bool EngineOn_PowerSupplyAvailable = 108;
uint32 EngineOn_GpsSpeed = 109;
uint32 EngineOn_CanRPM = 110;
uint32 EngineOn_MinActiveStateDuration = 111;
ConditionOperator EngineOn_Operator = 112;
uint32 EngineOn_MovementStartDelay = 113;
uint32 EngineOn_MovementStopDelay = 114;
uint32 EngineOn_ExternalVoltage = 115;
bool LedIndication = 116;
/* GPS/GNSS Mode */
GNSSMode GNSS = 117;
/* Static navigation */
bool StaticNavigation_Enabled = 118;
StaticNavigationSource StaticNavigation_Source = 119;
/* Records saving/sending without time synchronization */
RecordsMode RecordsSaveAndSendMode = 120;
TimeSynchronization TimeSynchronization = 121;
string NTPServer = 122;
uint32 NTPInterval = 123;
uint32 Sleep_NoPowerTimeout = 125;
bool SendPing = 130;
/* Data acquisition */
bool TimetableMode = 140;
bytes TimetableData = 141;
/* Bluetooth */
BluetoothMode Bluetooth_RadioMode = 800;
string Bluetooth_Name = 801;
string Bluetooth_PIN = 802;
BluetoothSecurityMode Bluetooth_SecurityMode = 803;
bool Bluetooth_PowerDownOnSleep = 804;
BluetoothExternalConnectionMode Bluetooth_ExternalConnectionMode = 810;
string Bluetooth_ExternalDevice_MAC = 811;
string Bluetooth_ExternalDevice_Name = 812;
string Bluetooth_ExternalDevice_PIN = 813;
string Bluetooth_AuthorizedMAC1 = 820;
string Bluetooth_AuthorizedMAC2 = 821;
string Bluetooth_AuthorizedMAC3 = 822;
string Bluetooth_AuthorizedMAC4 = 823;
string Bluetooth_AuthorizedMAC5 = 824;
/* Connection ------------ */
/* APN */
bool GPRS_ContextEnabled = 2001;
string GPRS_ApnName = 2002;
string GPRS_ApnUsername = 2003;
string GPRS_ApnPassword = 2004;
bool GPRS_CHAPAuthentication = 2005;
uint32 GPRS_LinkTimeout = 2006;
uint32 GPRS_ResponseTimeout = 2007;
/* Main server configurations */
string GPRS_ServerAddress = 2008 ;
uint32 GPRS_ServerPort = 2009;
ServerProtocol GPRS_ServerProtocol = 2010;
/* Backup server configurations */
string GPRS_BackupServerAddress = 2011;
uint32 GPRS_BackupServerPort = 2012;
ServerProtocol GPRS_BackupServerProtocol = 2013;
bool GPRS_SSL_ClientAuthentication = 2020;
bool GPRS_DataCompression = 2030;
/* SMS / Call settings */
bool SMS_DataSending = 3000;
string SMS_DataSendNumber = 3001;
string SMS_Password = 3002;
int32 SMS_EventTimeZone = 3003;
CallAction Call_IncommingCallAction = 3051;
bool Call_OutgoingTrigger_DigitalInput1 = 3052;
bool Call_OutgoingTrigger_CrashEvent = 3053;
uint32 Call_OutgoingCallNumber = 3054;
/* Authorized numbers */
string AuthorizedNumber1 = 3100;
string AuthorizedNumber2 = 3101;
string AuthorizedNumber3 = 3102;
string AuthorizedNumber4 = 3103;
string AuthorizedNumber5 = 3104;
string AuthorizedNumber6 = 3105;
string AuthorizedNumber7 = 3106;
string AuthorizedNumber8 = 3107;
string AuthorizedNumber9 = 3108;
string AuthorizedNumber10 = 3109;
reserved 3110 to 3149;
string GsmPredefinedNumber1 = 3200;
string GsmPredefinedNumber2 = 3201;
string GsmPredefinedNumber3 = 3202;
string GsmPredefinedNumber4 = 3203;
string GsmPredefinedNumber5 = 3204;
string GsmPredefinedNumber6 = 3205;
string GsmPredefinedNumber7 = 3206;
string GsmPredefinedNumber8 = 3207;
string GsmPredefinedNumber9 = 3208;
string GsmPredefinedNumber10 = 3209;
string RoamingOperator1 = 5000;
string RoamingOperator2 = 5001;
string RoamingOperator3 = 5002;
string RoamingOperator4 = 5003;
string RoamingOperator5 = 5004;
reserved 5005 to 5049;
string BlackListOperator1 = 5100;
string BlackListOperator2 = 5101;
string BlackListOperator3 = 5102;
string BlackListOperator4 = 5103;
string BlackListOperator5 = 5104;
reserved 5105 to 5149;
/* Data acquisition on Stop mode */
uint32 DAQ_Stop_Home_MinPeriod = 10000;
uint32 DAQ_Stop_Home_MinPathDeviation = 10001;
uint32 DAQ_Stop_Roaming_MinPeriod = 10100;
uint32 DAQ_Stop_Roaming_MinPathDeviation = 10101;
uint32 DAQ_Stop_Unknown_MinPeriod = 10200;
uint32 DAQ_Stop_Unknown_MinPathDeviation = 10201;
/* Data acquisition on Moving mode */
uint32 DAQ_Moving_Home_MinPeriod = 10050;
uint32 DAQ_Moving_Home_MinPathDeviation = 10051;
uint32 DAQ_Moving_Roaming_MinPeriod = 10150;
uint32 DAQ_Moving_Roaming_MinPathDeviation = 10151;
uint32 DAQ_Moving_Unknown_MinPeriod = 10250;
uint32 DAQ_Moving_Unknown_MinPathDeviation = 10251;
/* Geofencing */
GeoZone GeoZone1 = 20000;
GeoZone GeoZone2 = 20020;
GeoZone GeoZone3 = 20040;
GeoZone GeoZone4 = 20060;
GeoZone GeoZone5 = 20080;
GeoZone GeoZone6 = 20100;
GeoZone GeoZone7 = 20120;
GeoZone GeoZone8 = 20140;
GeoZone GeoZone9 = 20160;
GeoZone GeoZone10 = 20180;
GeoZone GeoZone11 = 20200;
GeoZone GeoZone12 = 20220;
GeoZone GeoZone13 = 20240;
GeoZone GeoZone14 = 20260;
GeoZone GeoZone15 = 20280;
GeoZone GeoZone16 = 20300;
GeoZone GeoZone17 = 20320;
GeoZone GeoZone18 = 20340;
GeoZone GeoZone19 = 20360;
GeoZone GeoZone20 = 20380;
GeoZone GeoZone21 = 20400;
GeoZone GeoZone22 = 20420;
GeoZone GeoZone23 = 20440;
GeoZone GeoZone24 = 20460;
GeoZone GeoZone25 = 20480;
GeoZone GeoZone26 = 20500;
GeoZone GeoZone27 = 20520;
GeoZone GeoZone28 = 20540;
GeoZone GeoZone29 = 20560;
GeoZone GeoZone30 = 20580;
GeoZone GeoZone31 = 20600;
GeoZone GeoZone32 = 20620;
GeoZone GeoZone33 = 20640;
GeoZone GeoZone34 = 20660;
GeoZone GeoZone35 = 20680;
GeoZone GeoZone36 = 20700;
GeoZone GeoZone37 = 20720;
GeoZone GeoZone38 = 20740;
GeoZone GeoZone39 = 20760;
GeoZone GeoZone40 = 20780;
GeoZone GeoZone41 = 20800;
GeoZone GeoZone42 = 20820;
GeoZone GeoZone43 = 20840;
GeoZone GeoZone44 = 20860;
GeoZone GeoZone45 = 20880;
GeoZone GeoZone46 = 20900;
GeoZone GeoZone47 = 20920;
GeoZone GeoZone48 = 20940;
GeoZone GeoZone49 = 20960;
GeoZone GeoZone50 = 20980;
// Features
// Trip
uint32 Trip_StartSpeed = 28000;
bool Trip_UseIgnition = 28001;
uint32 Trip_ParkDetectionTimeout = 28002;
// Overspeeding
bool Overspeeding_Enable = 28100;
uint32 Overspeeding_Limit = 28101;
uint32 Overspeeding_ActivationSpeed = 28102;
OverSpeedingDeactivationMode Overspeeding_DeactivationMode = 28103;
uint32 Overspeeding_DeactivationValue = 28104;
// Vehicle Speed Sensor
uint32 SpeedSensor_KmPulseCount = 28150;
// Driver Registration
DriverRegistration_Mode DriverRegistration_Mode = 29000;
DriverRegistration_Authentication DriverRegistration_Authentication = 29001;
uint32 DriverRegistration_DeregistrationTimeout = 29002;
DigitalOutputName DriverRegistration_BuzzerDigitalOutput = 29010;
DigitalOutputName DriverRegistration_ImmobilizerDigitalOutput = 29011;
bool DriverRegistration_ImmobilizerActiveLow = 29012;
uint64 DriverRegistration_AuthorizedID1 = 29100;
uint64 DriverRegistration_AuthorizedID2 = 29101;
uint64 DriverRegistration_AuthorizedID3 = 29102;
uint64 DriverRegistration_AuthorizedID4 = 29103;
uint64 DriverRegistration_AuthorizedID5 = 29104;
uint64 DriverRegistration_AuthorizedID6 = 29105;
uint64 DriverRegistration_AuthorizedID7 = 29106;
uint64 DriverRegistration_AuthorizedID8 = 29107;
uint64 DriverRegistration_AuthorizedID9 = 29108;
uint64 DriverRegistration_AuthorizedID10 = 29109;
// ECO drive config
bool ECODriveActive = 30000;
uint32 ECO_OverSpeedingLimit = 30001;
uint32 ECO_RPM_GreenBandLowLimit = 30002;
uint32 ECO_RPM_GreenBandHighLimit = 30003;
uint32 ECO_HarshBreakingLimit = 30004;
uint32 ECO_ExtremeBreakingLimit = 30005;
uint32 ECO_HarshAccelerationLimit = 30006;
uint32 ECO_CorneringLimit = 30007;
uint32 ECO_IdlingDelay = 30008;
uint32 ECO_IdlingSpeed = 30009;
uint32 ECO_CruiseControlSpeed = 30010;
bool ECO_CalculateOnlyWhenEngineOn = 30020;
bool ECO_CustomEngineSource = 30021;
bool ECO_EngineOn_DIN1 = 30022;
bool ECO_EngineOn_DIN2 = 30023;
bool ECO_EngineOn_MovementSensor = 30024;
bool ECO_EngineOn_PowerSupplyAvailable = 30025;
uint32 ECO_EngineOn_CanRPM_Low = 30026;
uint32 ECO_EngineOn_CanRPM_High = 30027;
ConditionOperator ECO_EngineOn_Operator = 30028;
uint32 ECO_EngineOn_ExternalVoltage = 30029;
// OBD
OBDAdapter OBD_Adapter = 30100;
// Fuel consumption
FuelType FuelConsumption_FuelType = 30150;
uint32 FuelConsumption_EngineDisplacement = 30151;
uint32 FuelConsumption_Cylinders = 30152;
uint32 FuelConsumption_InjectorPerformance = 30153;
uint32 FuelConsumption_VolumetricEfficiently = 30154;
// CANBus (FMS)
CANBus_ECUType CANBus_ECUType = 30160;
uint32 OBD_FaultCodesReadTime = 30200;
uint32 SIPAAD_LinkTimeout = 30500;
uint32 SIPAAD_ResponseTimeout = 30501;
// SIPAAD server configurations
string SIPAAD_ServerAddress = 30502;
uint32 SIPAAD_ServerPort = 30503;
ServerProtocol SIPAAD_ServerProtocol = 30504;
bool SIPAAD_SSL_ClientAuthentication = 30505;
// IO
IO IO_Time = 50003;
IO IO_Angle = 50004;
IO IO_Speed = 50005;
IO IO_SleepMode = 50008;
IO IO_Ignition = 50010;
IO IO_Movement = 50011;
IO IO_DataMode = 50012;
IO IO_GnssStatus = 50020;
IO IO_GnssHDOP = 50021;
IO IO_GnssPDOP = 50022;
IO IO_GnssJammingStatus = 50023;
reserved 50024;
IO IO_GsmSignal = 50030;
IO IO_GsmCellId = 50031;
IO IO_GsmAreaCode = 50032;
IO IO_GsmOperator = 50033;
IO IO_GsmTemperature = 50034;
IO IO_GsmJammingStatus = 50035;
IO IO_ExternalVoltage = 50040;
IO IO_BatteryVoltage = 50041;
IO IO_BatteryCurrent = 50042;
IO IO_TotalOdometer = 50050;
IO IO_Odometer = 50051;
IO IO_EngineOnTime = 50052;
IO IO_EngineOnTimeDelta = 50053;
IO IO_IdlingTime = 50054;
IO IO_IdlingTimeDelta = 50055;
IO IO_SpeedSensor_Speed = 50060;
IO IO_SpeedSensor_Distance = 50061;
IO IO_SpeedSensor_TotalDistance = 50062;
IO IO_SpeedSensor_MaxSpeed = 50063;
IO IO_SpeedSensor_GPSSpeedDiff = 50064;
IO IO_DigitalInput1 = 50070;
IO IO_DigitalInput2 = 50071;
IO IO_PowerSupply = 50072;
IO IO_VehicleConnection = 50079;
IO IO_DigitalInput1Time = 50080;
IO IO_DigitalInput1TimeDelta = 50081;
IO IO_DigitalInput2Time = 50082;
IO IO_DigitalInput2TimeDelta = 50083;
IO IO_PowerSupplyTime = 50084;
IO IO_PowerSupplyTimeDelta = 50085;
IO IO_DigitalOutput1 = 50090;
IO IO_DigitalOutput2 = 50091;
IO IO_AnalogInput1 = 50100;
IO IO_AnalogInput2 = 50101;
IO IO_AnalogInput3 = 50102;
IO IO_AxisX = 50110;
IO IO_AxisY = 50111;
IO IO_AxisZ = 50112;
// ECO drive
IO IO_ECO_MaxSpeed = 50150;
IO IO_ECO_NormalSpeedDistance = 50151;
IO IO_ECO_NormalSpeedTotalDistance = 50152;
IO IO_ECO_NormalSpeedTimer = 50153;
IO IO_ECO_NormalSpeedTotalTimer = 50154;
IO IO_ECO_OverSpeedingDistance = 50155;
IO IO_ECO_OverSpeedingTotalDistance = 50156;
IO IO_ECO_OverSpeedingTimer = 50157;
IO IO_ECO_OverSpeedingTotalTimer = 50158;
IO IO_ECO_MaxRPM = 50159;
IO IO_ECO_RPMGreenBandDistance = 50160;
IO IO_ECO_RPMGreenBandTotalDistance = 50161;
IO IO_ECO_RPMGreenBandTimer = 50162;
IO IO_ECO_RPMGreenBandTotalTimer = 50163;
IO IO_ECO_RPMRedBandDistance = 50164;
IO IO_ECO_RPMRedBandTotalDistance = 50165;
IO IO_ECO_RPMRedBandTimer = 50166;
IO IO_ECO_RPMRedBandTotalTimer = 50167;
IO IO_ECO_IdlingEvent = 50170;
IO IO_ECO_CruiseControlTimer = 50171;
IO IO_ECO_CruiseControlTotalTimer = 50172;
IO IO_ECO_CruiseControlDistance = 50173;
IO IO_ECO_CruiseControlTotalDistance = 50174;
// ECO Green driving
IO IO_ECO_BreakCounter = 50180;
IO IO_ECO_HarshBreakCounter = 50181;
IO IO_ECO_ExtremeBreakCounter = 50182;
IO IO_ECO_HarshAccelerationCounter = 50183;
IO IO_ECO_CorneringCounter = 50184;
IO IO_ECO_TotalBreak = 50185;
IO IO_ECO_TotalHarshBreak = 50186;
IO IO_ECO_TotalExtremeBreak = 50187;
IO IO_ECO_TotalHarshAcceleration = 50188;
IO IO_ECO_TotalCornering = 50189;
reserved 50200 to 50249;
// Trip
IO IO_Trip = 50300;
IO IO_Trip_Time = 50301;
IO IO_Trip_Distance = 50302;
// Driver Registration
IO IO_DriverID = 50350;
// Sensors
IO IO_TemperatureSensor1 = 50400;
IO IO_TemperatureSensor1_ID = 50401;
IO IO_TemperatureSensor2 = 50402;
IO IO_TemperatureSensor2_ID = 50403;
IO IO_TemperatureSensor3 = 50404;
IO IO_TemperatureSensor3_ID = 50405;
IO IO_TiltStatus = 50490;
// OBD
IO IO_OBD_EngineRPM = 50500;
IO IO_OBD_BatteryVoltage = 50501;
IO IO_OBD_EngineCoolantTemperature = 50502;
IO IO_OBD_VehicleSpeed = 50503;
IO IO_OBD_TotalDistance = 50504;
IO IO_OBD_FuelRate = 50505;
IO IO_OBD_TotalFuelUsed = 50506;
IO IO_OBD_IntakeAirTemperature = 50507;
IO IO_OBD_IntakeManifoldAbsolutePressure = 50508;
/* OBD II Standard */
IO IO_OBD_MalfunctionIndicatorLamp = 50550;
IO IO_DiagnosticTroubleCodesCount = 50551;
IO IO_OBD_CalculatedEngineLoad = 50552;
IO IO_OBD_MAFAirFlowRate = 50553;
IO IO_OBD_ThrottlePosition = 50554;
IO IO_OBD_RunTimeSinceEngineStart = 50555;
IO IO_OBD_FuelTankLevelInput = 50556;
IO IO_OBD_DistanceTraveledSinceCodesCleared = 50557;
IO IO_OBD_AbsoluteThrottlePositionD = 50558;
IO IO_OBD_TimeRunWithMILOn = 50559;
IO IO_OBD_EngineOilTemperature = 50560;
/* CAN Bus */
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_WorkingState1 = 50700;
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_WorkingState2 = 50701;
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_VehicleMotion = 50702;
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_Driv_1_Time_Rel_States = 50703;
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_Driver1_Card = 50704;
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_VehicleOverspeed = 50705;
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_Driv_2_Time_Rel_States = 50706;
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_Driver2_Card = 50707;
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_SystemEvent = 50708;
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_HandlingInformation = 50709;
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_TachographPerformance = 50710;
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_DirectionIndicator = 50711;
IO IO_CANBus_Tachograph1_VehicleSpeed = 50712;
IO IO_CANBus_EngineTemperature1_EngineCoolantTemperature = 50713;
IO IO_CANBus_ElectronicEngineController1_ActualEnginePercent = 50714;
IO IO_CANBus_ElectronicEngineController1_EngineSpeed = 50715;
IO IO_CANBus_EngineHours_EngineTotalHours = 50716;
IO IO_CANBus_VehicleDistance_TotalVehicleDistance = 50717;
IO IO_CANBus_HighResolutionFuelConsumption_TotalFuelUsed = 50718;
IO IO_CANBus_DashDisplay_FuelLevel1 = 50719;
IO IO_CANBus_AmbientConditions_AmbientAirTemperature = 50720;
IO IO_CANBus_FuelEconomy_FuelRate = 50721;
IO IO_CANBus_FuelEconomy_InstantaneousFuelEconomy = 50722;
IO IO_CANBus_AirSupplyPressure_ServiceBrakeAirPressureCircuit_1 = 50723;
IO IO_CANBus_AirSupplyPressure_ServiceBrakeAirPressureCircuit_2 = 50724;
IO IO_CANBus_AftertreatmentDieselExhaustFluidTankInformation_Tank1_Level = 50725;
IO IO_CANBus_TruckBus_ElectronicEngineController2_AcceleratorPedalPosition_1 = 50742;
IO IO_CANBus_TruckBus_ElectronicEngineController2_EnginePercentLoad = 50743;
IO IO_CANBus_Truck_VehicleWeight_AxleWeight1 = 50744;
IO IO_CANBus_Truck_VehicleWeight_AxleWeight2 = 50745;
IO IO_CANBus_Truck_VehicleWeight_AxleWeight3 = 50746;
IO IO_CANBus_Truck_ServiceInformation_ServiceDistance = 50747;
IO IO_CANBus_Truck_PTODriveEngagement_PTOEngageStat = 50748;
IO IO_CANBus_Truck_CombinationVehicleWeight_GrossCombinationVehicleWeight = 50749;
IO IO_CANBus_TruckBus_Electronic_Retarder_Controller_1_RetarderTorqueMode = 50750;
IO IO_CANBus_TruckBus_Electronic_Retarder_Controller_1_RetarderSelection = 50751;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_DoorControl1_DoorPosition = 50752;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_DoorControl1_RampWheelChairlift = 50753;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_DoorControl1_DoorsStatus2 = 50754;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_DoorControl2 = 50755;
IO IO_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControl = 50784;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_AlternatorSpeed_AlternatorStatus1 = 50785;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_AlternatorSpeed_AlternatorStatus2 = 50786;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_AlternatorSpeed_AlternatorStatus3 = 50787;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_AlternatorSpeed_AlternatorStatus4 = 50788;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_ElectronicTransmissionController2_SelectedGear = 50789;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_ElectronicTransmissionController2_CurrentGear = 50790;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_AirSuspensionControl4_FrontAxleLeft = 50791;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_AirSuspensionControl4_FrontAxleRight = 50792;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_AirSuspensionControl4_RearAxleLeft = 50793;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_AirSuspensionControl4_RearAxleright = 50794;
IO IO_CANBus_DashDisplay_FuelLevel2 = 50795;
IO IO_CANBus_ElectronicBrakeController_BrakePedalPosition = 50796;
IO IO_CANBus_FuelConsumptionGaseous_TotalFuelUsed = 50797;
IO IO_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_ParkingBrakeSwitch = 50798;
IO IO_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_WheelBasedSpeed = 50799;
IO IO_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_CruiseControlActive = 50800;
IO IO_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_BrakeSwitch = 50801;
IO IO_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_ClutchSwitch = 50802;
IO IO_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_PtoState = 50803;
IO IO_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_CruiseControlStates = 50804;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_VehicleElectricalPower_HybridBatteryPackRemainingCharge = 50805;
IO IO_CANBus_Bus_VehicleDynamicStabilityControl2_SteeringWheelAngle = 50806;
IO IO_CANBus_ElectronicEngineController14_FuelType = 50807;
IO IO_CANBus_EngineFluidLevelPressure_EngineOilLevel = 50808;
IO IO_CANBus_EngineFluidLevelPressure_EngineOilPressure = 50809;
IO IO_CANBus_EngineFluidLevelPressure_CoolantLevel = 50810;
IO IO_CANBus_TellTaleStatus = 50811;
IO IO_CANBus_FuelConsumption_EngineTotalFuelUsed = 50812;
IO IO_CANBus_Truck_VehicleWeight_AxleWeight4 = 50813;
# Table 7 : Alarm Types
Alarm ID | Alarm Name |
1 | Alarm_Normal |
3 | Alarm_Time |
4 | Alarm_Angle |
5 | Alarm_Speed |
8 | Alarm_SleepMode |
9 | Alarm_SystemReset |
10 | Alarm_Ignition |
11 | Alarm_Movement |
12 | Alarm_DataMode |
20 | Alarm_GnssStatus |
21 | Alarm_GnssHDOP |
22 | Alarm_GnssPDOP |
23 | Alarm_GnssJammingStatus |
24 | Alarm_GnssDataJumping |
30 | Alarm_GsmSignal |
31 | Alarm_GsmCellId |
32 | Alarm_GsmAreaCode |
33 | Alarm_GsmOperator |
34 | Alarm_GsmTemperature |
35 | Alarm_GsmJammingStatus |
40 | Alarm_ExternalVoltage |
41 | Alarm_BatteryVoltage |
42 | Alarm_BatteryCurrent |
50 | Alarm_TotalOdometer |
51 | Alarm_Odometer |
52 | Alarm_EngineOnTime |
53 | Alarm_EngineOnTimeDelta |
54 | Alarm_IdlingTime |
55 | Alarm_IdlingTimeDelta |
60 | Alarm_SpeedSensor_Speed |
61 | Alarm_SpeedSensor_Distance |
62 | Alarm_SpeedSensor_TotalDistance |
63 | Alarm_SpeedSensor_MaxSpeed |
64 | Alarm_SpeedSensor_GPSSpeedDiff |
70 | Alarm_DigitalInput1 |
71 | Alarm_DigitalInput2 |
72 | Alarm_PowerSupply |
79 | Alarm_VehicleConnection |
80 | Alarm_DigitalInput1Time |
81 | Alarm_DigitalInput1TimeDelta |
82 | Alarm_DigitalInput2Time |
83 | Alarm_DigitalInput2TimeDelta |
84 | Alarm_PowerSupplyTime |
85 | Alarm_PowerSupplyTimeDelta |
90 | Alarm_DigitalOutput1 |
91 | Alarm_DigitalOutput2 |
100 | Alarm_AnalogInput1 |
101 | Alarm_AnalogInput2 |
102 | Alarm_AnalogInput3 |
110 | Alarm_AxisX |
111 | Alarm_AxisY |
112 | Alarm_AxisZ |
150 | Alarm_ECO_MaxSpeed |
151 | Alarm_ECO_NormalSpeedDistance |
152 | Alarm_ECO_NormalSpeedTotalDistance |
153 | Alarm_ECO_NormalSpeedTimer |
154 | Alarm_ECO_NormalSpeedTotalTimer |
155 | Alarm_ECO_OverSpeedingDistance |
156 | Alarm_ECO_OverSpeedingTotalDistance |
157 | Alarm_ECO_OverSpeedingTimer |
158 | Alarm_ECO_OverSpeedingTotalTimer |
159 | Alarm_ECO_MaxRPM |
160 | Alarm_ECO_RPMGreenBandDistance |
161 | Alarm_ECO_RPMGreenBandTotalDistance |
162 | Alarm_ECO_RPMGreenBandTimer |
163 | Alarm_ECO_RPMGreenBandTotalTimer |
164 | Alarm_ECO_RPMRedBandDistance |
165 | Alarm_ECO_RPMRedBandTotalDistance |
166 | Alarm_ECO_RPMRedBandTimer |
167 | Alarm_ECO_RPMRedBandTotalTimer |
170 | Alarm_ECO_IdlingEvent |
171 | Alarm_ECO_CruiseControlTimer |
172 | Alarm_ECO_CruiseControlTotalTimer |
173 | Alarm_ECO_CruiseControlDistance |
174 | Alarm_ECO_CruiseControlTotalDistance |
180 | Alarm_ECO_BreakCounter |
181 | Alarm_ECO_HarshBreakCounter |
182 | Alarm_ECO_ExtremeBreakCounter |
183 | Alarm_ECO_HarshAccelerationCounter |
184 | Alarm_ECO_CorneringCounter |
185 | Alarm_ECO_TotalBreak |
186 | Alarm_ECO_TotalHarshBreak |
187 | Alarm_ECO_TotalExtremeBreak |
188 | Alarm_ECO_TotalHarshAcceleration |
189 | Alarm_ECO_TotalCornering |
200 | Alarm_GeoZone1 |
201 | Alarm_GeoZone2 |
202 | Alarm_GeoZone3 |
203 | Alarm_GeoZone4 |
204 | Alarm_GeoZone5 |
205 | Alarm_GeoZone6 |
206 | Alarm_GeoZone7 |
207 | Alarm_GeoZone8 |
208 | Alarm_GeoZone9 |
209 | Alarm_GeoZone10 |
210 | Alarm_GeoZone11 |
211 | Alarm_GeoZone12 |
212 | Alarm_GeoZone13 |
213 | Alarm_GeoZone14 |
214 | Alarm_GeoZone15 |
215 | Alarm_GeoZone16 |
216 | Alarm_GeoZone17 |
217 | Alarm_GeoZone18 |
218 | Alarm_GeoZone19 |
219 | Alarm_GeoZone20 |
220 | Alarm_GeoZone21 |
221 | Alarm_GeoZone22 |
222 | Alarm_GeoZone23 |
223 | Alarm_GeoZone24 |
224 | Alarm_GeoZone25 |
225 | Alarm_GeoZone26 |
226 | Alarm_GeoZone27 |
227 | Alarm_GeoZone28 |
228 | Alarm_GeoZone29 |
229 | Alarm_GeoZone30 |
230 | Alarm_GeoZone31 |
231 | Alarm_GeoZone32 |
232 | Alarm_GeoZone33 |
233 | Alarm_GeoZone34 |
234 | Alarm_GeoZone35 |
235 | Alarm_GeoZone36 |
236 | Alarm_GeoZone37 |
237 | Alarm_GeoZone38 |
238 | Alarm_GeoZone39 |
239 | Alarm_GeoZone40 |
240 | Alarm_GeoZone41 |
241 | Alarm_GeoZone42 |
242 | Alarm_GeoZone43 |
243 | Alarm_GeoZone44 |
244 | Alarm_GeoZone45 |
245 | Alarm_GeoZone46 |
246 | Alarm_GeoZone47 |
247 | Alarm_GeoZone48 |
248 | Alarm_GeoZone49 |
249 | Alarm_GeoZone50 |
300 | Alarm_Trip |
301 | Alarm_Trip_Time |
302 | Alarm_Trip_Distance |
350 | Alarm_DriverID |
400 | Alarm_TemperatureSensor1 |
401 | Alarm_TemperatureSensor1_ID |
402 | Alarm_TemperatureSensor2 |
403 | Alarm_TemperatureSensor2_ID |
404 | Alarm_TemperatureSensor3 |
405 | Alarm_TemperatureSensor3_ID |
490 | Alarm_TiltStatus |
500 | Alarm_OBD_EngineRPM |
501 | Alarm_OBD_BatteryVoltage |
502 | Alarm_OBD_EngineCoolantTemperature |
503 | Alarm_OBD_VehicleSpeed |
504 | Alarm_OBD_TotalDistance |
505 | Alarm_OBD_FuelRate |
506 | Alarm_OBD_TotalFuelUsed |
507 | Alarm_OBD_IntakeAirTemperature |
508 | Alarm_OBD_IntakeManifoldAbsolutePressure |
550 | Alarm_OBD_MalfunctionIndicatorLamp |
551 | Alarm_DiagnosticTroubleCodesCount |
552 | Alarm_OBD_CalculatedEngineLoad |
553 | Alarm_OBD_MAFAirFlowRate |
554 | Alarm_OBD_ThrottlePosition |
555 | Alarm_OBD_RunTimeSinceEngineStart |
556 | Alarm_OBD_FuelTankLevelInput |
557 | Alarm_OBD_DistanceTraveledSinceCodesCleared |
558 | Alarm_OBD_AbsoluteThrottlePositionD |
559 | Alarm_OBD_TimeRunWithMILOn |
560 | Alarm_OBD_EngineOilTemperature |
700 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_WorkingState1 |
701 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_WorkingState2 |
702 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_VehicleMotion |
703 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_Driv_1_Time_Rel_States |
704 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_Driver1_Card |
705 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_VehicleOverspeed |
706 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_Driv_2_Time_Rel_States |
707 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_Driver2_Card |
708 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_SystemEvent |
709 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_HandlingInformation |
710 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_TachographPerformance |
711 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_DirectionIndicator |
712 | Alarm_CANBus_Tachograph1_VehicleSpeed |
713 | Alarm_CANBus_EngineTemperature1_EngineCoolantTemperature |
714 | Alarm_CANBus_ElectronicEngineController1_ActualEnginePercent |
715 | Alarm_CANBus_ElectronicEngineController1_EngineSpeed |
716 | Alarm_CANBus_EngineHours_EngineTotalHours |
717 | Alarm_CANBus_VehicleDistance_TotalVehicleDistance |
718 | Alarm_CANBus_HighResolutionFuelConsumption_TotalFuelUsed |
719 | Alarm_CANBus_DashDisplay_FuelLevel1 |
720 | Alarm_CANBus_AmbientConditions_AmbientAirTemperature |
721 | Alarm_CANBus_FuelEconomy_FuelRate |
722 | Alarm_CANBus_FuelEconomy_InstantaneousFuelEconomy |
723 | Alarm_CANBus_AirSupplyPressure_ServiceBrakeAirPressureCircuit_1 |
724 | Alarm_CANBus_AirSupplyPressure_ServiceBrakeAirPressureCircuit_2 |
725 | Alarm_CANBus_AftertreatmentDieselExhaustFluidTankInformation_Tank1_Level |
742 | Alarm_CANBus_TruckBus_ElectronicEngineController2_AcceleratorPedalPosition_1 |
743 | Alarm_CANBus_TruckBus_ElectronicEngineController2_EnginePercentLoad |
744 | Alarm_CANBus_Truck_VehicleWeight_AxleWeight1 |
745 | Alarm_CANBus_Truck_VehicleWeight_AxleWeight2 |
746 | Alarm_CANBus_Truck_VehicleWeight_AxleWeight3 |
747 | Alarm_CANBus_Truck_ServiceInformation_ServiceDistance |
748 | Alarm_CANBus_Truck_PTODriveEngagement_PTOEngageStat |
749 | Alarm_CANBus_Truck_CombinationVehicleWeight_GrossCombinationVehicleWeight |
750 | Alarm_CANBus_TruckBus_Electronic_Retarder_Controller_1_RetarderTorqueMode |
751 | Alarm_CANBus_TruckBus_Electronic_Retarder_Controller_1_RetarderSelection |
752 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_DoorControl1_DoorPosition |
753 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_DoorControl1_RampWheelChairlift |
754 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_DoorControl1_DoorsStatus2 |
755 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_DoorControl2 |
784 | Alarm_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControl |
785 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_AlternatorSpeed_AlternatorStatus1 |
786 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_AlternatorSpeed_AlternatorStatus2 |
787 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_AlternatorSpeed_AlternatorStatus3 |
788 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_AlternatorSpeed_AlternatorStatus4 |
789 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_ElectronicTransmissionController2_SelectedGear |
790 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_ElectronicTransmissionController2_CurrentGear |
791 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_AirSuspensionControl4_FrontAxleLeft |
792 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_AirSuspensionControl4_FrontAxleRight |
793 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_AirSuspensionControl4_RearAxleLeft |
794 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_AirSuspensionControl4_RearAxleright |
795 | Alarm_CANBus_DashDisplay_FuelLevel2 |
796 | Alarm_CANBus_ElectronicBrakeController_BrakePedalPosition |
797 | Alarm_CANBus_FuelConsumptionGaseous_TotalFuelUsed |
798 | Alarm_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_ParkingBrakeSwitch |
799 | Alarm_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_WheelBasedSpeed |
800 | Alarm_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_CruiseControlActive |
801 | Alarm_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_BrakeSwitch |
802 | Alarm_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_ClutchSwitch |
803 | Alarm_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_PtoState |
804 | Alarm_CANBus_TruckBus_CruiseControlVehicleSpeed_CruiseControlStates |
805 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_VehicleElectricalPower_HybridBatteryPackRemainingCharge |
806 | Alarm_CANBus_Bus_VehicleDynamicStabilityControl2_SteeringWheelAngle |
807 | Alarm_CANBus_ElectronicEngineController14_FuelType |
808 | Alarm_CANBus_EngineFluidLevelPressure_EngineOilLevel |
809 | Alarm_CANBus_EngineFluidLevelPressure_EngineOilPressure |
810 | Alarm_CANBus_EngineFluidLevelPressure_CoolantLevel |
811 | Alarm_CANBus_TellTaleStatus |
812 | Alarm_CANBus_FuelConsumption_EngineTotalFuelUsed |
813 | Alarm_CANBus_Truck_VehicleWeight_AxleWeight4 |
# Reference
[1] 'Protocol Buffers,Developer Guide', August, 2018.[Online].Available: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/overview.[Accessed: 22- April- 2019].
[2] 'Diagnostic Trouble Code', Jan 2019. [Online]. Available: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagnostic_Trouble_Code. [Accessed: 20- April- 2019].
[3] 'DTCs'. [Online]. Available: http://vidaresources.volvocars.biz/help-wbt/us/10dd19a196f77d6cc0a801cc013ec511.html. [Accessed: 20- April- 2019].
[4] Greg Coburn, Engineering and Research Branch BAR Advisory Group Meeting,"Permanent Diagnostic Trouble Codes",2017.